The APCB welcomes applications for prostate cancer biospecimens and associated clinical data from all researchers.
The ACPB has a Tissue Access Policy, which was developed under NHMRC guidelines. An Application Form needs to be completed and provided to the relevant node/s. Relevant forms can also be found in the links below.
A Letter of Intent (LOI) relevant to the tissue type request (see links below) will need to be filled out and submitted to the APCB state node closest to the researcher’s institution. The appointed Project Manager will determine whether the tissue requirement of the applicant can be fulfilled by nearest APCB node or if it needs to be transferred interstate to a different node. The Application Form and LOI submission are required for review by the Tissue Access Committee (TAC) to finalise the decision.
After approval is granted, a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) will need to be signed between the node/s providing the samples and the institution/s receiving them. APCB will provide the MTAs.
Finally, if researchers intent to include samples from the Bioresource as part of a funding scheme application, we strongly recommend to obtain an in principle Letter of Support before submission. This will allow researchers to preliminary determine availability of the samples and budget requirements. Letters of Support can be provided by the nearest state node of the requesting institution.
Cost Recovery Schedule
A cost recovery schedule for researchers from non-for profit organisations is in place for all the APCB nodes as follows:
Fresh tissue | $220 for 20 microns per patient (4-5 slides) |
Paraffin sections | $10 per section |
Buffy coat | $35 for 0.2mL aliquot per patient |
Serum and Plasma | $35 for 0.5mL aliquot per patient |
Please note that additional histopathology costs may be passed on over and above the costs quoted above. The current rate is $350 per hour.
A firm quote can be provided by the Project Manager after a completed Letter of Intent has been submitted (LOI – see below) and before tissue samples are distributed.
All researchers are encouraged to contact the state’s node Project Manager or Coordinator to discuss any details regarding your request.
You can access copies of the following documents via the link provided below, or by email the nearest Project Manager from where the biospecimens are being requested.
- Tissue Access Policy
- Application Form
- Material Transfer Agreement (to be provided by the nearest or available state node)